Dispensing pharmacy business

PharmaCluster Co., Ltd.
Dispensing pharmacy business management company
- Address:
- Tokyo Midtown Yaesu, Yaesu Central Tower 8F
2-2-1, Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028 Japan - URL:
- http://www.pharma-cluster.co.jp
PharmaCluster Co., Ltd., a dispensing pharmacy business management company, is committed to serving as a trusted group of home pharmacies and pharmacists that contribute to local healthcare and society. Together with dispensing pharmacies engaged in community healthcare-based activities, we are offering "Kyoso Mirai Group in Pharmacy" to perform research and support for building the better pharmacies.
Commitment to safe, accurate dispensing and appropriate instructions on dosing to improve QOL for patients
Along with diverse pharmaceuticals and therapeutic approaches, the role of pharmacists is increasingly important. While we always share the viewpoint with our patients, we seek for easy-to-understand instructions on dosing as well as safe and accurate dispensing. Under the concept of “detailed medication record management” and “building a strong relationship with local medical institutions and patients”, we also proceed with systematization for dispensing and medication record management. Through such activities, we are contributing to improving QOL of patients.

Active engagement as health-supporting local pharmacies
In an attempt to become dispensing pharmacies close to local communities, we are also focusing on activities as health-supporting local pharmacies. For example, Kakezuka Pharmacy (Isesaki, Gunma) not only offers OTC drugs, health foods and nursing care products but also actively works on home-visiting management and coaching under the concept of “a pharmacy where people without prescriptions can feel free to come”. Kyoso Mirai - Koga Minami Pharmacy (Koga, Ibaraki) opens a café for dementia as a communication opportunity for patients having dementia or concerned parties and trains supporters for dementia. From a standpoint as the health-supporting pharmacy, we devote ourselves to establishing the environment where local people can live with safety.

Kyoso Mirai Group in Pharmacy shares problem consciousness with pharmacy owners and solve various issues.
Kyoso Mirai Group in Pharmacy is a group of individual pharmacy owners, wishing to run their business with independences and self-initiative in their local community. As community-based pharmacies, they aim at further advancement and contribution to the society, and address to solve problems, such as improvement of management efficiency, enhancement of pharmacy functions and strengthening of business foundation, through workshops and study sessions.
Kyoso Mirai Group in Pharmacy website https://www.yawarakana-kizuna.jp

The number of the Kyoso Mirai Group in Pharmacy members is 7,464 companies (21,127 pharmacies) as of March end, 2023.