
Compliance / Risk management

Compliance Policy

The Company has established the Compliance Promotion Regulations to ensure that officers and employees of the Company (employees, career staff, temporary employees, special temporary employees, loaned employees, contract employees, part-time employees) comply with laws and regulations and respect social norms and that corporate activities of the Company are conducted with fairness, transparency, and a high sense of ethics, as well as to ensure management that fulfills its social responsibilities.

We hold meetings of the Group Compliance Risk Management Committee on a regular basis.

We hold meetings of the Group Compliance Risk Management Committee regularly based on the Risk Management Basic Rules. In addition, we have established the Code of Ethics, and training is provided to all employees to make them fully aware of it.

Compliance with an important related law

Compliance with laws and regulations forms the basis of our business activities. Kyoso Mirai Group complies not only with important laws and regulations such as the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Act, the Pharmacists Act, the Antimonopoly Act, and the Act on Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, but also with all laws and regulations related to its business activities. The Group also not only engages in activities based on laws and ethics but also always reviews its behaviors modestly to conduct business activities by giving openness, impartiality and the trust of society first priority.

■Compliance with an important related law

1. Compliance with the Act on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices

◉ We will conduct business activities in compliance with laws and regulations.
We will comply with laws and regulations such as the Act on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act, and the Health Insurance Act, and properly conduct licensing, notification, reporting, and other procedures which are required based on laws and regulations.

POINT1: We will comply with the Act on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices and related laws and regulations to ensure the quality of pharmaceuticals.
POINT2: We will accurately understand potential purchasers (confirmation of required notification and permission) specified in the Act on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices to conduct appropriate sales.
POINT3: When handling pharmaceuticals, etc., we will take thorough measures against accidents such as theft, loss, and misplacement.
POINT4: If there is a risk of a violation of the Act on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, we will promptly report to the person in charge of the business site and the supervising pharmacist, and if necessary, we will notify the relevant authorities to prevent a recurrence.

2. Compliance with the Pharmacists Act

◉ We will protect people's health.
On the basis of the principles of respecting life and maintaining individual dignity, we will build a trusting relationship with people, and provide quality and appropriate services in a courteous manner. In addition, we will coordinate a supply that respects the social security system in cooperation with other facilities providing medical services.

POINT1: If there is a dispensing request, we will not refuse it without a justifiable reason.
POINT2: We will fully inform patients.
POINT3: We will strive to reduce the risks of medical treatment by demonstrating our pharmacist occupational abilities.
POINT4: We will do our best in cooperation with other medical professionals.
POINT5: We will devote our life to self-improvement as a pharmacist.

3. Compliance with the Antimonopoly Act

◉ We will engage in fair trading.
We will properly understand the relevant laws and regulations and conduct sound and fair trading based on free competition. In addition, we will fully understand the National Public Service Ethics Act, the ethics rules of each local government, and the rules established by business partners, and will not engage in any act that violates or is suspected of violating these acts or rules.

POINT1: At meetings of trade associations, etc., if there is an act that is likely to violate the Antimonopoly Act, we will immediately express our opposition, report to the Company, and will not conduct any improper trading or arrangement.
POINT2: We will not receive improper entertainment or hospitality from our business partners and will not engage in such acts.
POINT3: We will not engage in gift-giving and entertainment for government employees (including parties legally regarded as public employees), and will resolutely refuse illegal requests for money, etc.
POINT4: We will not engage in transactions involving conflicts of interest and will not engage in transactions that may be suspected of conflicts of interest.

4. Compliance with the Act on Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations (the Fair Competition Code for Prescription Pharmaceutical Wholesaling)

◉ We will comply with voluntary industry regulations.
We will comply with the Fair Competition Code, which is a voluntary industry regulation based on the law which specifically stipulates "what is good and what is bad" regarding the provision of premiums, and will strive to create an environment in which ordinary consumers can choose better products and services safely.

POINT1: We will not make descriptions that are misleading regarding the quality, content or price of products or services.
POINT2: We will always check whether or not the premiums we intend to offer are excessive or may unreasonably induce transactions.
POINT3: We will maintain good faith and fair business relationships with all business partners and will not provide personal/arbitrary benefits and conveniences and labor, etc. whose provision is prohibited.

Establishment of an internal reporting system

The Company has established consultation desks for the employees (employees, career staff, temporary employees, special temporary employees, loaned employees, contract employees, part-time employees, dispatched workers and retirees) and employees of our business partners, etc. regarding violations of laws and regulations, etc., and established appropriate and effective internal reporting systems. In the operation of the desks, it is prohibited to treat the whistleblower, etc. disadvantageously on the grounds that they have made a report.

・Internal contact
The Toho Hotline has been set up to allow employees to report directly via the internal intranet, thereby enhancing the confidentiality of whistleblowers and the ease with which they can inform.

・External contact
A lawyer's office has been established as a contact point to ensure fairness and anonymity for whistleblowers.

Anti-corruption initiatives

The company has established the Anti-Bribery and Corrupt Practices Regulations that apply to its officers and employees (employees, career staff, temporary employees, special temporary employees, loaned employees, contract employees, part-time employees).
In accordance with laws and regulations related to the prevention of bribery and corruption that apply to officers and employees, public officials, and medical personnel, as well as industry codes such as the Fair Competition Code for Prescription Pharmaceutical Wholesaling, we are working to prevent bribery and corruption by prohibiting the provision of grants, donations, political donations, and other funds, and by establishing regulations on the provision of benefits such as money, gifts, services, entertainment, and food and drink.

Conducting compliance training

The Group conducts Group Compliance Training for employees (Regular employees, career staff, temporary workers, special temporary workers, seconded employees, contract employees, part-timers , part-time workers) to raise the awareness of compliance among all Group employees. In addition to revising the training system from time to time, the Company issues the “Compla Kawaraban” twice a month to further promote understanding of knowledge and develop empathy.