Human resource
Maximize the value of human capital
Based on the belief that employees are the Company’s assets, or "human capital," the Group is committed to maximizing the value of its human capital by developing the human resources needed by the Group, improving its personnel system, and promoting work style reforms, while carefully passing on its history of growth through human capital and its corporate culture that respects the out-of-the-box idea of employees.
The Group refers important matters related to human capital – investments concerning human capital, appointments and dismissals of officials and those of a higher position at key divisions and departments, and decisions on and changes to important standards for working conditions – to the Board of Directors for approval. Other matters such as appointments and dismissals of employees of a certain rank or higher and various measures related to human capital, including those to support the administration of health management, are also reported to and supervised by the Board of Directors as appropriate.
Risks in human capital include industrial accidents, law violations by officers and employees, and the draining of talent. To minimize these risks, the Group has in place strict rules on employees’ safety, health, accident compensation, and other aspects, provides compliance training, enhances the personnel system, and improves the workplace environment.
Human resources development policy
With the corporate slogan "Total Commitment to Good Health" as a compass, the Group will develop the human resources necessary for the Group by (1)human resources/ training, (2) development of the personnel system, and (3) work-style reforms.
The human resources that the Group considers necessary are as follows.
・A person who has a high sense of ethics and always takes basic actions
・A person who thinks and learns by himself/herself and is not afraid of failure but is willing to take on challenges through free-thinking
・A person who can make high-quality proposals and communicate well with others
・A person who can collaborate with business partners (customers, municipalities, etc.) and other departments in the company
・A person who can work globally
Human resources/ Training | ・Enhanced training by rank and job classification ・Providing opportunities to take on challenges such as participating in projects or being seconded outside the company ・Reskilling and assistance in obtaining personal qualifications ・Development of professionals |
Development of the personnel system | ・Diversity & Inclusion ・Utilization of seniors, Mid-career recruitment of excellent human resources ・Strengthen career development ・Staffing with the right people in the right places |
Work-style reforms | ・Going paperless through DX promotion ・Outsourcing of routine work ・Enhancement of work styles and systems to accommodate employees' life events ・Further improvement of the workplace environment |
We develop human resources through various training programs.
We implement career-oriented training programs including MTP training to foster employees who can achieve results by proposing customer support systems to meet the needs of our customers.
Pharmaceutical wholesaling | ●MTP (Medical Total Planner) training |
Dispensing pharmacy | ●Disease-specific training |
Company-wide | ●New employee training |
We have fostered a diversified business culture by utilizing a wide variety of human resources regardless of people’s gender, nationality etc
The Group has placed no restrictions on the promotion of women, foreign nationals, and mid-career hires to management positions and has been striving to ensure diversity.
Currently, the rate of female employees is 41.7% and that of female managers is 16.0% at the Company. As of the end of June 2024, two female directors and two female corporate officers were appointed. Further, at TOHO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD., a subsidiary of the wholesale business, three female corporate officers are appointed, and the rate of female employees is 24.0%. In addition, at operating dispensing pharmacy business PharmaCluster Co., Ltd., there is one female director. The rate of female employees at the subsidiaries of the dispensing pharmacy business is 78.8%.
*The ratio of female employees at TOHO HOLDINGS and TOHO PHARMACEUTICAL is calculated based on the calculation method described in the Securities Report.
In-house environment improvement policy to ensure diversity
The Group has been bearing the corporate slogan “Total commitment to good health” and has improved the program to develop human resources who are capable of creating customer value. With broad utilization of human resources regardless of gender, nationality, age, etc. and respecting individualities, capabilities and teamwork of employees, we nurture a free-spirited corporate culture and work on human resources development, aiming at mid- and long-term enhancement of corporate value through continuing sustainable growth and establishment of our corporate brand.
・Development of working environment where employees are able to work in good mental and physical health with a sense of fulfillment
・Development of a woman-friendly working environment, post-retirement reemployment, promotion of the employment of persons with disabilities, and improvement of training systems
・Implementation of awareness-raising and information provision through various training, in-house newsletters, posters, etc. to ensure that every employee has accurate knowledge of, deepens understanding of diversity and is able to make appropriate responses according to the circumstances
Action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace(Submitted in April 2022)
We have formulated an action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace.
1. Planning period: April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2027
2. Challenges facing the Company
(1) The rate of women in managerial positions is low at 11.2%.
(2) The average length of service for women is 13.6 years, lower than the 19.6 years for men.
3. Target
Subject(1):Increase the percentage of women in managerial positions to at least 30%.
Subject(2):Extend the average length of service of women by more than two years from the current period.
4. Details of initiatives and timing of implementation
(i) In addition to establishing an organizational structure in which both men and women can play an active role, support the career development of female employees through job transfers, etc.
(ii) Implementation of leadership development programs for women, including career design training and training to nurture female managers.
(i) Make employees and managers fully aware of available systems for supporting work-life balance. In addition, promote further enhancement of various systems to support employees in balancing work and childcare/nursing care.
(ii) Take initiative more actively for promoting the acquisition of annual paid leave.
Data on women's activities (TOHO HOLDHINGS (non-consolidated))
July 2022 | July 2023 | July 2024 | |
male | 8 | 8 | 7 |
female | 1 | 1 | 2 |
July 2022 | July 2023 | July 2024 | |
male | 9 | 9 | 9 |
female | 3 | 3 | 2 |
FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Ratio of female managers | 11.4 | 16.5 | 16.0 |
FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Ratio of new hires who are female *TOHO HOLDINGS, TOHO PHARMACEUTICALS |
63.4 | 61.0 | 48.4 |
We are supporting the balance of childcare and work.

We are promoting the employment of persons with disabilities.
Statutory employment rate of persons with disabilities has been raised to 2.5% from April 2023. At TOHO HOLDINGS, the rate was 3.16% in the fiscal year 2023. Pharmacy for Pharmacies, a pharmacy of PHARMA MIRAI, which is our dispensing pharmacy subsidiary, was given a letter of gratitude from the Setagaya Ward and the Setagaya Ward Council for Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities for actively working to hire persons with disabilities and contributing to their independence and local welfare. We will continue to strengthen this initiative in future.
FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Employment rate of persons with disabilities | 2.77 | 3.63 | 3.16 |
We promote health and productivity management.
As a corporate group active in medical, nursing and healthcare fields, we are committed to creating an environment in which each and every employee can face his or her own health.
<Health and Productivity Management Declaration>
We set “Total commitment to good health” as our group’s corporate slogan.
Protecting employees’ health is our top priority, as they are the ones who create customer value to raise patient’s satisfaction and contribute to promoting people’s health and well-being. Employees’ health is not only the cornerstone of their own and their families’ happiness, but also the base for the Company’s sound growth.
Hand in hand with employees, we pursue Health and Productivity Management for health maintenance and promotion and build a work environment that protects their physical and mental health and keeps their morale in work high.
Hiromi Edahiro, Representative Director, CEO and CFO
◆Promotion Structure
Our group’s Health and Productivity Management is led by its Representative Director, CEO and CFO, and the division in charge identifies the relevant issues, sets goals, and formulates action plans. Approval for these is done by the top management.

◆The Group’s Issues, Goals, and Action Plans for Health and Productivity Management
We identify the relevant issues, set goals, and formulate action plans in order to implement our Health and Productivity Management initiatives.
Issue | Target | Action plan |
Employees' health management | 100% of general periodic health checkups (95.1% of general periodic health checkups in FY2022) |
・Task supervisors with urging subordinates to receive health checkups ・Build a system that allows supervisors to know who has and has not received health checkups |
Improve employee awareness on the importance of their own health management | Higher awareness of the importance of health management among employees by taking seminars | ・Provide employees with seminars on health ・Promote the use of health management apps among employees ・Encourage employees to use the health-related facilities |
Knowledge and understanding of women’s health issues | Improve all employees’ knowledge and understanding of health issues particular to women | ・Establish consultation desks for the employees ・Provide employees with seminars on women's health |
Smokers and smoking rates | Decrease in smoking rates | ・Implement rules and systems aimed at helping employees quit smoking, such as restricting smoking on certain work days |
◇Main Initiatives
Implementation of health fairs
Installation of health equipment in offices
Implementation of health-related training
◆We were recognized under the 2025 Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program
TOHO HOLDINGS was recognized under the 2025 Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large Enterprise Category), jointly hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council).
Large Enterprise Category: TOHO HOLDINGS CO., LTD./ TOHO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD./ SAYWELL inc./ Kyushu Toho Co., Ltd./ J.MIRAIMEDICAL
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Category: KOYO Co., Ltd./ KYOSOMIRAI PHARMA CO., LTD./ Nextit Research Institute, Inc.

*About the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program
This recognition program is conducted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi and aims to create an environment in which large enterprises, SMEs, and other businesses who are practicing health and productivity management are appreciated by society.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is promoting “health and productivity management,” whereby it considers employees’ health and productivity management from a business-management perspective, and strategically implements initiatives that lead to maintenance and promotion of health.
For more information, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.